Martina Serafimovska


The Next


Martina Serafimovska believes that we all have a social responsibility to be mindful of what we put out into the world, and of the impact it has. On a personal level, she believes the field of Design is a perfect match for her, as it is a blend of her two lifelong interests: art & technology. She believes design is a tool for communication, development and meaningful purpose as much as it is an outlet for creativity and vision; in fact it is this duality that makes it uniquely beautiful. In her own work, she attempts to seek out the most effective solution, and then to showcase its elegance. Having always sought to leave a mark of positive difference in the world, she believes she can utilize design to do just that.


Working on personal endaveours, from creating videos, art and music to picking up new skills in unfamiliar territories. On downtime, she likes to relax with a challenging video game or an interesting documentary.

Favourite Tools

Adobe: Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, After Effects, Audition

Event Info

The Next Design Grad Show
By York University/Sheridan College

Gladstone Hotel

1214 Queen St. West

Toronto, Ontario

April 11

Industry Night


Opening Night


April 12-13

Public Viewing
