

Product Design

Motion Design


The current methods of online time and productivity tracking require the user to go into an app and manually input the amount of time they spend working on something. This system is not always accurate and does not include the potential disturbances a user may encounter while they are doing their work.


Junctr is a desktop productivity-app that tracks how much time a user spends on each application. It runs in the background as the user is working so they do not have to constantly check in on it.

The objective is to have potential users use the product intuitively without thinking. It will give a better picture on how long they spend on each program and when they do it. Moreover, it gives the user greater detail and accuracy in the visualized data. When this happens, users will able to look at the times they are most productive and when they are least.

Event Info

The Next Design Grad Show
By York University/Sheridan College

Gladstone Hotel

1214 Queen St. West

Toronto, Ontario

April 11

Industry Night


Opening Night


April 12-13

Public Viewing
