Firas Kauchali is a designer with an eclectic creative practice. Born in Mumbai, India he is captivated by learning more about his culture—embedding aspects of his own identity in his work. He has a knack for exploring novel ideas and discovering the splendour in all aspects of life. Firas uses design as a vehicle to communicate an experience effectively, giving a voice to things that matter.
Walking around aimlessly, taking pictures of interesting subjects/people around the city.
Listening To
Never gets tired of listening to Kanye, Pharrell, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, and Nina Simone. Currently in love with Contemporary Jazz and Broken Beat.
Currently Watching
A whole lot of cooking channels on YouTube.
Favourite Typefaces
The GOATs, Neue Haas Grotesk and Plantin. Also loves Founders Grotesk and basically everything by Klim Type.